Acadia Valley News, Mar 2

By Yolanda Kuhn

The February break was a cold one! Most of the week was around the -25 to -30 mark. This week has been a bit warmer, today they’re calling for a high of plus 2.

The Big Country Rod & Gun Club hosted their annual horn show and wild game supper last Saturday. They had a great turnout! This year’s “Mystery Meat” was Kangaroo. I braved it. Roger Didychuk cooked quite a bit of meat for the club this year including the Kangaroo. I thought it was pretty good.

The Ice to Dice Bonspiel is in full swing this week. There are 23 teams curling this year. Stay tunned for an update on who won the trip and the bonspiel next week.

The W.P.S. grade 4-6 students started mini basketball this week. They hosted a tournament on Wednesday and O.P.S. attended.

The Sunset Seniors Club hosted their potluck supper and meeting on Monday February 27th with 16 members in attendance. As always, a delicious supper. The state of officers for the coming year are: President - Susan Grudecki, Vice President - Dennis Gieron, Secretary - Pat Niwa, and Treasurer - Gwen Gustafson.

Many local Oyen Minor Hockey Teams are in the midst of their end of season playoffs. Make sure to watch The Oyen Arena Schedule on Facebook for local games.

There’s square draw curling on Tuesday nights around 7:30-8:00 p.m. Contact Steve Heeg if you’d like to curl. We will most likely keep the ice in until the end of March. The skating ice in the Arena is still holding as well. Make sure you get out and enjoy it before it’s gone!

Thanks for reading this week. I follow Kyla Thomson and Bella who is waiting for a bowel transplant. This poor little girl has been through so much. It’s important to have a family discussion about organ donation now so that you can make an informed decision.

I will leave you with a quote from Peter Marshall “The measure of life is not its duration but its donation.”


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