Growing Through Grief: Worry

By Angela Clement

I have spent a large amount of my time in my life worrying. Before I lost Blaine I worried about my kids, my job, my health and anything and everything else. When I lost Blaine I worried what life would be like, if my kids would be okay, and if I got sick or hurt who would look after me?  I know that many people have experienced this. There was actually a time when I thought if I didn’t worry enough about something it might actually happen! Can you imagine living with that kind of thought process? That means that essentially I had to think of all the things I needed to worry about and then worry about them so they didn’t happen! Have you ever had something amazing happen to you and then instead of enjoying and embracing that moment you worried what was coming next? I actually thought if something good happened then something bad would have to happen to balance that out. What?!

We get these beliefs implanted into our psyche as we grow up. Sometimes things happen in childhood that trigger this automatic response. It is not anybody’s fault. It is just the way we are wired. As adults we have ingrained that cycle of thought into our psyche and that same thought pattern and belief system plays over and over as we are growing up until we don’t even realize it is happening.

We need to make a conscious effort not to worry because it can spiral out of control. The more we worry the more we create things to worry about. Soon we have made a mountain out of a molehill and we don’t even know it. If we can make a commitment to live a worry-free life, we will be happier and healthier. When we find ourselves worrying about something it is usually something that hasn’t happened and in many cases isn’t going to happen. Even if worry is warranted, it doesn’t help much. We don’t need to live with it or accept it.

Breathing is just one way we can remove that worry from our energy. When we are in worry or fear the way to dissolve that is to take deliberate deep slow breaths and move ourselves into a state of love and gratitude. We can move into that state by concentrating on where our love resides and that is in our heart. Breathing into our heart and focusing on the things we love and are grateful for helps our mind to calm. It is something we need to practice and the more we practice, the better we get at it.

Take action. Write down the things that worry you. Put them on paper where they can be seen. When there is nothing you can do, put them into a box and give them to God or the Angels to look after. Have faith, trust and surrender to the fact that they are working for you behind the scenes. This is a very simple exercise but a very effective one. Think of things that you can do in service of others or yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. Something as easy as smiling at someone in the grocery store can refocus your mind. Dream up little things that you can do that will bring you joy too! A hot bath or a good cup of tea can put you more at ease. The more we can focus on doing things that bring us joy, the less we will have time to worry.

What we focus on, we get better at. Would you rather become an expert worrier or would you rather become someone who becomes really good at being happy? It is a conscious choice and you can do something about it. Don’t allow your worry to consume the beautiful life you have here. Choose love, gratitude and joy. We have all experienced worry at some point in our lives. I would love to hear your experience. Contact me at www.healing


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