HAND HILLS GRAPEVINE: Keith Quaschnick steps down from long held position

By Marilyn Vredegoor

Hello Hand Hills - now we are getting a chinook. This winter has been a real mixed bag of weather but we are through January - Yahoo! I wonder what Groundhog Day will tell us about the rest of the winter. I hope it predicts lots of moisture! Fingers crossed.

The annual General Meeting of the Hand Hills Club was held on January 25. Twenty people attended and this year will see a few changes going forward. Watch for details. As for the elections of officers, there were not many changes there. Layton Rosin stayed on a President, Jacquie Glaster as Vice, Connie Gammie as Treasurer and Teri Quaschnick as Secretary. Directors with a year more on their term are Kim Larsen, Brandon Cuddie, Kyle Hardy and Dean McDonald. New directors are Tommy Vredegoor, Mark Landry, Clayton McDonald and Gabrielle Vredegoor. Arena director will be Mark Landry. Casino chairperson is Melissa Rosin and CPRA Reps are Layton, Connie and Dean.

There are a couple of people to mention as they stepped down from their long held positions. Keith Quaschnick has been the Arena director for many years and he has stepped down and has given his approval to Mark Landry as the one to follow him. Keith has been a tried and true leader out in the Arena. Keith also stepped down as a director stating that there were younger ones that he wanted to see in the position. Remember Keith, age and experience goes hand in hand as guiding light to the younger generation. Tally Quaschnick has also stepped away from being a director but here’s hoping her bubbly enthusiasm stays and helps takes the Club forward.

Day Lenfesty has stepped down from his involvement in the Club after over forty plus years. Like Keith, the Club needs his wisdom and knowledge to go forward.  You will still see Day in the kitchen at the Club functions and in the booth at the Stampede so do not worry, things will still run smoothly and yes the pies will still be there. A person like Day, with his dedication to the Club,is hard to replace but with his guidance the next generation can do it.

Bill Poulson has stepped away from his role as the main sponsorship promoter for the Drumheller area. He has brought many businesses on board with their sponsorship of the Rodeo.  He had a folder full of information for the ones taking over this job so if you are interested talk to Bill or ask for that folder. It was a big job and he did it well.

The Club will be a busy place this year. Here are the two things that are coming up in the next couple of months.

The Valentine’s Steak and Lobster Dinner and Dance is set for February 10. Get your tickets now as only 120 will be sold and half of those are spoken for already.  Food, music, dancing and visiting are going to be happening that night.

Charity Sale March 8.  If you would like to donate please let someone know. All the money raised will go to a yet to be determined cause. Watch for more details.

The Stampede is May 31, June 1 and 2. Get it marked on your calendar. Volunteers are always needed. There will be a few changes happening and I will report on those later.

Till next week, Fabulous February is upon us. This year February has an extra day. February 29th. It is a Leap Year!


Town of Oyen Library Booknotes: Jan 26


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