Letters: Poor People, New Speaker

INSULTING THE POOR PEOPLE IN CANADA - A one-dollar increase in the minimum wage is a slap in the face to the needy people of Canada. Even if it was doubled to $30.00 an hour, they still couldn’t qualify for a house mortgage or barely pay the rent on a house or apartment. It must be pretty frustrating to try to raise a family in our cities nowadays. A few weeks ago, mobs started looting stores in Los Angeles, and last week it happened in Philadelphia. I wonder if this is what we have to look forward to in Canada in the near future. We have the biggest comedy of errors happening in a developed country. We have lots of developers with billions of dollars wanting to build houses and condos or rental properties, but most people don’t have money to purchase or rent them. Does anybody actually have a solution?

NEW SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE - Will this change anything? Not very likely. It will still be a gong show most of the time. They’re always talking about democracy, but we don’t see much democracy in the House of Commons, do we? As long as they have to be “Politically correct,” you really can’t discuss anything very intelligently anyway. That likely frustrates the members so much that they resort to insulting one another, and that seems to be okay, at least in Parliament. Politics has pretty well made a joke out of our Governments, and the ruinous state of our Canada is the direct result of it, and unfortunately, the ordinary people suffer for it. I doubt if the new Speaker of the House will be able to make any difference. It’s a tough job he’s taken on, but I think he will be good at it. Congratulations to Greg Fergus on his new job, and best of luck to him.

Robert Blagen
Youngstown, AB


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