Oyen and District Seniors Report: First Potluck Supper

Submitted by Beth Symes

Twelve members braved the frigid temperatures to attend the first potluck supper of the year. We had many delicious warm main course dishes and desserts, creating a wonderful social time before our annual meeting. Two more members joined us for the meeting, which Lynda called to order at 7:00 PM. Marilyn Kroker won our usual meeting 50/50 draw, and the winning amount was $17.00.

The meeting then moved on to the reading of the minutes, which were distributed to members prior to the meeting, and to the presentation of the financial statements for November and December. The meeting then moved on to Old Business discussions. The most recent Fun Night, which was held on November 30, was attended by ten people, and again, the games, card playing and socializing were enjoyed by all. The first Fun Night of 2024 will be held on January 26 at the Seniors Hall, beginning at 7:00 PM. If you enjoy playing board games, playing cards, playing pool, or just socializing, we invite you to join us.

The Christmas Banquet, which was hosted on December 6, was enjoyed by nearly one hundred guests. The Hockey Mums prepared a delicious Christmas meal. The junior players themselves did an excellent job of greeting the guests as they arrived, helping with coats, etc, and then serving beverages and desserts, and later clearing the tables. Following the meal, Shirley Foot and Pastor Brad Broadhead and a young choir, which Shirley led and enfolded some of the hockey players for the occasion, led the guests in singing Christmas carols and songs. Guests also enjoyed a piano solo played by Taylor Neilson following the choir. The entertainment portion of the evening was capped by Jerilynn Norris and Clark Huston, who presented a medley of Christmas Music.

After discussion of the current rental rates for the various parts of the Senior’s Hall and the fact of inflation of the costs of running and maintaining the Hall, it was determined that the rental rates be increased by ten percent with the exception of the kitchen, which will remain the same. Thus, the rates will be $135 for each of the games room and the Hall,  $80 for the meeting room, and the kitchen will remain at $150. The Hall is rented for $200 for funerals.

A major discussion of New Business in the annual meeting was the confirmation of Directors and Officers for 2024. The Directors are Dave Grudecki and Kyna Fischback (3-year term), Heather White and Rolly Willick (2-year term), Lorraine Guckert and Betty Walker (1-year term). The Officers are President, Lynda Grudecki; Vice President, Shirley Foot; Secretary, Beth Symes; Treasurer, Sherry Bamber  Rentals, Jessie Battrum; Food Committee and Kitchen Supplies, Shirley Holland and Marilyn Kroker; Maintenance, Dave Grudecki; Reporter Beth Symes,  Phoning Jessie Battrum and Beth Symes.

Among other items of New Business discussed was establishing a committee to investigate and apply for grants for the association, custodian concerns and the agreement to increase the rate of pay for our custodian, investigating a company and cost of having a full year-end audit, the purchase of a new memorial plaque for the Hall and the most recent names to be added.

The two regular activities that the Hall is being used for during the winter months are pickleball and floor curling. Lorraine Guckert reported that there are seven people playing pickleball on a regular basis. She can be contacted at 403-664-2499. Floor Curling continues to happen on Wednesdays at 1:00 PM. New rinks are drawn up each Wednesday. Questions about this can be answered by Heather White at 403-664-3854 or Beth Symes at 403-664-2462.

Because of the increased use of the Hall for recreational activities, Keith and Shirley Foot are producing a sign which will be placed on the door. It will be blank on one side, which will mean it is available for activities. The other side will state Private Function, which will indicate that the Hall is being rented and is thus not available to members for activities.

The next  Potluck Supper, followed by a meeting, will be held on February 7, at 6:00 PM. (Meeting begins at 7:00 PM.)  We welcome new members. Thus, if you are a Senior living in Oyen or the District, please consider joining us then or on the first Wednesday of succeeding months.


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