Oyen and District Seniors Report: Pickleball attracts new players

By Beth Symes

Twelve members attended the delicious Potluck on April 3, and three more members came to the meeting. Shirley Foot called the meeting to order at 7:05. Keith Foot won the 50/50 draw of $15. The minutes of the March 6 meeting and the financial reports for March were presented. Following that, old business items were discussed. Jessie presented the rental agreement, which will be given to people renting the Seniors Hall. Lorraine reported on having set up a Facebook page for the group. It is set up under Oyen and District Senior Citizens Association.

The meeting also discussed grants that have already been received and those that can be applied for. The association has been approved for a grant from New Horizons. It will be used to beautify the property outside the hall. Later in the year, an application for a grant will be made for renovations within the hall to the bathroom and possibly to the kitchen. No final decision was made about the use of the funds remaining from the Media Grant.

Pickleball continues to attract new players. The designated time has been changed from Tuesday evening to Thursday evening at 7:00 PM because Alsask has pickleball scheduled for Tuesday evening. It was decided to have a drop-in fee for non-members who came to play pickle ball at the seniors centre. Floor Curling continues on Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 PM until the end of April.

A committee has been established to review the Bylaws of the Organization as no review or update has been done for a long period of time.

The next Fun Night will be on April 26 at 7:00 PM. The next Pot Luck and Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 29 at 6:00 PM.


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